Self-inquiry, June 4, 2023


Sunday, June 4, 2023

With Mukesh Gupta

At KECC Metchosin


This was the first meeting this year facilitated by Mukesh Gupta, newly arrived from India for a planned stay of three months at the Krishnamurti Educational Centre of Canada In Metchosin, BC, a half-hour drive from Victoria. There were eight people in total present for the dialogue gathering which began with each person giving a short introduction of themselves and their interest in Krishnamurti and his teachings. There was a short disagreement between one of the group and Mukesh which created some disturbance, but most of the participants soon settled down and began to enjoy the group inquiry. We were able to sit on the front lawn where we had sunshine or shade, as we chose, and a minimum of wind.

The talk soon turned to the sharing of some painful recent experiences of separation from a wife as well as memories of relationships that had produced some intense sorrow or suffering. There seemed to be a need on the part of a number of the participants to share their pain with the others and to feel supported by them. Out of this sharing there developed a sense of compassion and acceptance which at times spontaneously turned into a meditative silence of the whole group for extended periods. Between the times of silence we spoke of the challenging reality of losing something or someone we love and of the meaning of friendship and connection with other humans. We looked at the process of becoming attached to another and of having that attachment broken. Krishnamurti’s ideas about love and attachment were brought into the circle and explored. His teachings about observing ourselves throughout the flow of our daily lives were considered with care. The individuals present appeared to find the inquiry of value and to be an activity that would attract them in the future. After a period of about two hours the meeting was brought to an end with a summary by Mukesh. We look forward to further such gatherings.