Self-inquiry, May 21, 2023


Sunday, May 21, 2023

With Harshad Parekh



Five people attended this meeting at the Krishnamurti Educational Centre of Canada in Metchosin, BC. It was a sunny but very windy day, so we decided to hold the gathering inside rather than out on the lawn. Harshad was present once again to guide us through an inquiry into the challenge of living with compassion and awareness when dealing with others and with ourselves. He began by asking if there was a burning question that someone would like to explore in some depth and one of the participants was eager to present such a problem. It was an issue of being triggered by behaviour on the part of others that felt dismissive or critical and wanting to find an effective way or a formula for being with her reactions in a more peaceful manner. The question led to an extended inquiry into being aware of the activities of one’s mind in a way that could dissolve conflict. There was a good deal of talk about self-observation as the main “solution” to any such problem as well as remarking on the difficulties that can arise when one looks directly at the self and its habits. It was mentioned that “the self” tends to have a deep attachment to its own survival and continuity, thus provoking fear when its behaviour is closely examined. There were a number of interesting insights shared in this area and, although there was some sense of argument at times, we were left with a feeling of having considered some significant issues in a cooperative manner.