Self-Inquiry Meetup, April 9, 2023

Self-Inquiry Meetup

With Jackie McInley

Swanwick Centre Metchosin

April 9, 2023


After a long period of non activity at the physical location of the Krishnamurti Educational Centre of Canada in Metchosin, BC, owing to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Centre was re-opened to in-person gatherings. Our first on-site meeting was held on Sunday, April 9, 2023 at the Swanwick Road location at 3 pm. The meeting lasted for almost two hours and was attended by six participants in total, all of whom showed their proof of vaccine before the meeting started. The session was facilitated by Jackie McInley, who is visiting the Centre from the UK for the month of April. Up to this time, Jackie has been facilitating meetings via the Zoom online application.

Jackie asked that each participant share something about their motive for coming to the meeting, which gave each person an opportunity to share some details about themselves and their interest in J. Krishnamurti’s teachings. These introductions took some time to complete but were very interesting to hear. Jackie questioned people further in a skillful attempt to draw them out and to stimulate a deepening of inquiry into the issue of who or what we truly are. This led to a penetrating questioning and exploring of people’s perspectives and understandings of themselves and the process of self-observation that became the central subject of examination in the dialogue that spontaneously unfolded. There was a depth of subtle inquiring and sharing of insights which felt quite profound as participants took up the challenge of looking at themselves within the context of what was being brought forward by the members of the group. We had a prolonged and in-depth discussion about the nature of intelligence which was very revealing and rich with valuable insights, It seemed that everyone found the conversation to be very interesting, relevant, and promising of further meaningful inquiry in future meetings.