Self-inquiry with Jeff Brown, May 1, 2024

Self-inquiry with Jeff Brown

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

At Gorge Esquimalt Pavilion

Victoria, BC


Five participants were in attendance for this Wednesday afternoon meeting at the lovely Gorge Esquimalt pavilion on Tillicum Road in Victoria (Esquimalt). Four of us were very familiar with the teachings of J. Krishnamurti and the other less so. He had experience in other non-dual teachings, however, and was able to join in with the flow of the dialogue and to share his own understanding of self-inquiry. We delved into quite a number of topics, including the use of the mind in exploring the meaning of our lives, the engagement with self-observation and being with challenging feelings and aspects of our conditioned consciousness. There was quite a lot of interest in the issue of dealing with traumatic experiences which could have the power to take us down “rabbit-holes” that are difficult to negotiate. It was asked why certain people seem to emerge from trauma in their lives with a sense of wholeness and health while others are more negatively affected by such crises in their lives. The importance of facing our fears was explored in some depth.

Four of the group went for a light meal after the meeting, which was an enjoyable ending to the afternoon. It was Jeff’s last day facilitating the self-inquiry meetings – at least for now – and we are grateful for his input.