Self-inquiry with Mukesh Gupta July 7, 2024

Meditative Self-inquiry

With Mukesh Gupta

Sunday, July 7, 2024

At Krishnamurti Educational Centre of Canada

Metchosin, BC


Nine people were present for this dialogue held on the front lawn of the Main House at the Krishnamurti Educational Centre in Metchosin, BC. It was a lovely sunny day with none of the recent winds which had been quite disturbing during our recent meetings at the Swanwick Road location. We began the session with a silent sit, followed by a sharing by Mukesh of the main principles of meditative self-inquiry which he described as a meeting in friendliness and “Presence” where the primary intention is to find what is “true” and false without resorting to comparative judgements. The deeper ground from which we can communicate is a deep listening from the “Heart”. There is no goal to be reached or which is known to the participants: we are walking together without knowing where we are going. We allow a natural gap between our words and anyone can raise a question. What is interesting to us in this moment. Mukesh asked.

One possible question that was proposed was related to the issue of inner transformation. What do we understand self-transformation to be? Where does such an inquiry begin? Does it start with a sense of discontent? Awareness of suffering may arise and initiate some questioning and inquiry. Our thinking may bring with it a sense of psychological suffering. Self-observation is then necessary and brings some insight and understanding. As we spoke of these matters a feeling of “love” began to be shared by all or most of the participants. There was a sense of non-separation within the group and of a deeper connection. It was a lovely experience of Being together.