Self Study Meeting, May 24, 2020

Self Study Meeting

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Via Zoom

A group of five attended the online meeting on a Sunday morning. After some technological challenges with logging in to the meeting we settled in with a guided meditation on being present and aware. After the meditation and before reading the passage selected for study from The Book of Life: Daily Meditations with Krishnamurti, some spontaneous discussion started up, much of it related to the reading that had been done in advance of the session. The conversation was obviously relevant and interesting to the participants as it went on for some time with contributions from each group member. The topics of resistance to emptiness and the fear of being nothing were looked at from different angles and were considered to be a highly significant aspect of Krishnamurti’s pointings and our own life experience. The dialogue was rich and engaging.

Towards the end of the session we read over the selection from the text, February 14, and acknowledged that exploration of it had been pretty well covered in our sharing. All attendees expressed an appreciation of the opportunity to meet and talk over issues that are meaningful and important to us. It was a small gathering but one of quality.