Self Study Meeting, November 7, 2021

Self Study Meeting

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Zoom online


Thirteen people were present for the November Self Study Meeting sponsored by the Krishnamurti Educational Centre of Canada. We are still meeting online, which allows for participation with participants from all over the world. In this case we were joined by interested people from as far away as New Zealand and from coast to coast across North America. This meeting we were scheduled to explore the March readings from The Book of Life: Daily Meditations with Krishnamurti. The subheadings for the four sections of the chapter are Dependence, Attachment, Relationship, and Fear, and the selections cover some of the most central of Krishnamurti’s teachings about the nature of human consciousness and experience. The challenges of looking directly into our inner emptiness and confronting our attachments to the sense of identity which comprises our “self” are explored in detail. The group discussion brought up various questions and perceptions which created what one participant called “perhaps the best dialogue I have ever been part of.” There was a rich communication of insights and understandings between the group members and apparently a meaningful examination of our thinking around these subjects as we study Krishnamurti and apply what he says to our own self-inquiry and self-observation. Occasional disagreements seemed sometimes counterproductive but they may have added to the mix of the group interaction and stimulated a fairly intense sharing.