Swanwick Star Issue No. 9 (2016)
Another Interesting Meeting
Another interesting meeting took place later this summer with my French teacher from Wolf Lake School, Suzanne. We met at a cafe in the chic Yaletown area and, then, went for a walk along the waterfront where the sea forms Burrard inlet. We talked about how K. was really a unique teacher and probably the only one who never encouraged dependence from his listeners. His common refrain was, “Why do I see the same old faces at my lecture? Why haven’t you got it yet?”. So, it almost seems like he was encouraging his listeners to break away from his teachings and find their own way. It was almost as if K. felt that people could get stuck in a rut by clinging to his teachings and the K-culture that had grown up around his schools and adult centres due to the adoring individuals who surrounded him. He wanted something better from his audience.
We discussed how we had both done this having met K. at relatively young ages. In effect, we had taken his advice and explored life without the shadow of his teachings. Then, we had re-connected with the truth of K’s words much later after having a richer experience and understanding of the world. He was a truly remarkable teacher!
Chanda Siddoo