Swanwick Star Issue No. 3 (2010)

From Russia with Love

I was introduced to Krishnamurti through Freedom from the Known during my stay in Moscow in 2004. He is known as the outstanding spiritual teacher of the twentieth century on the Moscow lecture circuit. K. was unlike anyone I had ever read before; actually, it was more like a meeting. He was the first author I had encountered who did not try to get me hooked with a fancy cover, important-sounding title, or a witty introduction. He was the first man to tell me that I am not who I think I am. I still remember my mind arguing with him throughout the whole book. The level of honesty really took me aback. In fact, I was not yet ready to look at myself in that way and after this fleeting summer love affair we went our separate ways. Nevertheless, our bond somehow remained intact and I was often haunted by his words during the many years of torment that followed.

Our relationship remained long distance until last Spring, when upon my return to Russia, my father brought him back into my life through a wonderful translation of The Book of Life which happened to be very relevant for me at the time. Since then, I have rarely missed an opportunity to spend some time with him before drifting off to sleep and, on most days, his words gently ease me into wakefulness.

Until quite recently, I was not aware that there were many others in the Greater Vancouver area who shared my love for this author’s work. Earlier this year when I found out that there were, I came to the Planetarium to one of his video showings. Last month was the first time that I felt comfortable enough to stay for dialogue and was very touched by the organizers’ and attendees’ genuine willingness and ability to understand where I was coming from. It was encouraging to know that K’s message resonated with others and that I was not the only one in the community who found his active meditation a useful tool in seeing myself and the surrounding world in its present condition. In this day and age, self-knowledge is so important; I feel blessed to have had the privilege to have access to such wisdom. And, maybe most importantly, we have a place to meet where, even for an hour or two, we can honour our true selves by just being present together. To look at what is without judgement is the beginning of everyone’s journey.

My hope is that through the continuation of K’s video showings, the message of one of the greatest teachers of the past century will allow people, who are in search of truth, to find an honest friend on their journey without a destination. And, personally, I look forward to getting to know more people in this country, who may understand me when I speak of such things as the transformation of human consciousness, or, even love for that matter.
