The Essential Unity Of All Experience
Chapter 22—The Essential Unity Of All Experience
Today’s session can be summed up with the following words from the chapter: The mind, the body and the world are not three different objects that are seen or known; rather, they are ways of seeing or knowing. That is to say, they are three different ways of knowing the same reality and that reality is Awareness, or Pure Knowing.
In the audio tape, Rupert led us into contemplations meant to show us how our many experiences of separateness are really illusions. All we have to do is dig deeper into those experiences. As we penetrate our real experiences, the multiplicity and diversity of objects in the world start to lose their hold on us. Pure Knowing takes the shape of seeing, hearing, tasting, touching and smelling and, as a result, seems to become a world, but never actually becomes or knows anything other than itself. Once we dwell in our true nature we can come back out into the illusory world and participate in it—but we have been transformed and that transformation will impact everything we do and see from that point on.
Love then shows up in relation to people and animals and beauty in relation to objects in that world.
We approached the question: “What hinders us from moving into the world from a base of Awareness” with intensity, searching for answers. Many insights were drawn from this discussion and more will follow as we move to strengthen our community with more meetings, communications and retreats.
Rupert has revealed that the mind is only our current thought and that thought can be dropped immediately to reveal our true nature: the innocent, empty expanse of Awareness. Krishnamurti affirms this in today’s quote:
The mind that is learning is an innocent mind, whereas the mind that is merely acquiring knowledge is old, stagnant, corrupted by the past. An innocent mind perceives instantly, it is learning all the time without accumulating, and such a mind alone is mature.