“The brain is the result of time, experience and knowledge. The very activity of the brain is based on past remembrances, whether illusory, actual or accumulated knowledge. […] So the past, the present and the future are a movement in time. The past is the present. […] See this fact, that thought and time together are the actual movement of human existence. The future is tremendously important to us, but the future is the modified past.”
~ J Krishnamurti
* Indeed, and what one ultimately is – this non-personal fact – is the alert, choiceless awareness of the movement of thought and time. That which is aware is timeless beauty, peace, love, and joy in clearly, obviously, being. Take a quiet walk or have tea by your window and allow all and everything of the body/mind – thoughts, feelings, pains and itches – to appear and gently pass, and the reality of simply being that allowing awareness is invited – given peaceful space to rest, to present, to delight in its self. There’s the wonder, yes.