The Power of Self-Inquiry, December 7-9, 2018

The Power of Self-Inquiry
Weekend Retreat with Mooji on DVD
December 7 – 9, 2018

This weekend retreat offered the opportunity to be fully immersed in the pointings of Sri Mooji, renowned teacher of self-inquiry and Self realization. The retreat was mostly in silence, as Mooji recommends for such gatherings, in order to enhance a persistent looking into oneself and the nature of consciousness without distraction. As the program began on Friday evening there were twelve of us in attendance; a few had to leave over the course of the retreat for different reasons.
The videos presented were selected from two retreats with Mooji in 2018: the Advanced Silent Retreat in Monte Sahaja, Mooji’s place of residence, in June and a retreat in the Netherlands in August. The selections were considered to be particularly significant satsangs and the participants concurred with that decision. Also included were two meditations guided by Mooji: “An Invitation to Freedom”, and a “Silent Sit with Moojibaba”. There was time for quiet contemplation, walks, and some group sharing. A video introduction of J. Krishnamurti and his teachings was shown on Saturday afternoon.
The degree of presence and attention embodied by the group produced an experience of deepening into what was being spoken of and invited, and it was expressed that the retreat was of great value to those able to remain with it. Some of those less familiar with the teachings were surprised by the clarity and power in Mooji’s communicating his perceptions and guidance. Delicious lunches and dinners were provided by Glenrosa Restaurant and nourishing breakfasts by the Krishnamurti Centre staff.