The Urgency of Change Dialogue Group
The Urgency of Change Dialogue Group
Sunday, September 13, 2020
Zoom online
Five members of the group were able to meet for this online session on a Sunday afternoon. The Krishnamurti book, The Urgency of Change, has been used as a focal point in our self-inquiry process for these meetings, and for this gathering we put our attention on the chapters entitled “The Religious Life” and “Seeing the Whole”. In the first chapter K states that “freedom from the known is truly the religious life” and goes into this idea in more detail during the chapter. After a short silent sit, participants contributed their impressions and questions resulting from their reading and contemplation of the text and there was an engaged sharing of experiences, understandings, and insights. Some of the impacts of our religious conditioning were explored and each person was invited to express their sense of what constitutes a religious life in the true sense of it.
Some time was spent on the material in the second chapter, with a slight shift of emphasis to looking at the way we perceive and observe in a whole way. Discussion of both chapters explored the occurrence of fragmentation in our thinking and the belief in our sense of separateness. Other aspects of awareness and self observation were raised and explored. At the end of the session it was proposed that we change the time of our monthly online meeting to twelve noon subject to checking with group members who were absent. The meeting ended with some minutes of silence in which it was suggested we note what quality of feeling and presence had been generated by the sharing and inquiry