The Urgency of Change Dialogue Group, December 13, 2020

The Urgency of Change Dialogue Group

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Zoom online meeting


This meeting, the last of 2020, was attended by nine participants in all. The focus was on the chapter entitled “What Is” in the J. Krishnamurti book The Urgency of Change. It is a short chapter, but very direct in its treatment of our human experiences and problems. The main point K makes is that no matter what our experience is, “to live with it without conflict frees us from it.” He discusses this in a few different ways in conversation with the questioner, and some of his statements inspired questions and insights from the group members which seemed to challenge our conventional ways of looking at ourselves and our lives.

Towards the end of the meeting, we reviewed the past year’s experience and asked what changes we might like to see for the 2021 explorations. One participant expressed a desire to explore more deeply our feelings and our “hearts” when looking into issues that arise in our self-inquiry and how they affect us in our daily lives. This was taken to be an invitation to share all dimensions of ourselves and to move beyond the intellectual discussion that can take over when investigating these kinds of issues within the context of “spiritual” teachings. It seemed like a relevant and significant invitation to realize that inquiry is not just a mental activity but is essentially an activity of the “heart” .