The Urgency of Change Dialogue Group Meeting, January 16, 2021

The Urgency of Change Dialogue Group Meeting

Sunday, January 16, 2021

Zoom online

Eight people were present for this Sunday morning meeting focused on the study of Krishnamurti’s teachings as expressed in the book The Urgency of Change. Four group members had alerted us that they would not be able to attend. The agenda for the meeting was a very open one, with participants being invited to share any quotes from the book, or from another K source, that had a particular relevance to them or any issues currently needing exploration in their process of self study or self-inquiry.

The meeting began with a guided meditation employing a short passage from a K talk in Saanen (August 8, 1964): “Find out a state of mind that exists without any cause, that is awake without any reason… that keeps itself alive, aflame, without anything being added to it to keep it aflame.” The meditation led into a discussion of the nature of awareness and the potential limitation of calling it “a state of mind.” A few participants suggested that such awareness is more fundamental and unchanging than any state of mind. What was Krishnamurti really pointing to? The questioning flowed into spontaneous exploration that was apparently of significant interest and value for all.

This was the last meeting of this group for the time being, but the possibility was acknowledged of a re-forming of a similar group at some point in the future. Other options that will soon be offered by the Krishnamurti Educational Centre of Canada were mentioned as a way to continue with inquiries into the nature of consciousness and the self.