UVic Stillness Within Virtual Meet-up with Canela Michelle Myers on June 20th
The meet up with Canela Michelle Myers was our first ever virtual meet up. Technically there were no surprises (whew) and we had a nicely rounded out group taking part mostly from the local community, and a few from further abroad such as the UK. All in all, there were about 15 people who took part and asked some really evocative questions.
Of course Canela’s approach is often founded on being fully present with what is and that includes being present with our own internal experience of discomfort, anxiety or other emotions.
We had a wonderful sharing from Canela and many of those who took part found themselves often pointed back toward their own inner teacher of direct experience. In some cases Canela asked one key question: from spaciousness, being with this discomfort, can we say yes to this experience? is there love here? Or can this become love if we sit with it in wholeness?
Krishnamurti once said: “You can only be afraid of what you think you know.” This in some ways was apropos for our time together with Canela. A few members were looking into reactions to recent world events or – more intimate sources of anxiety. Canela’s gentle invitation was to put knowing aside, and allow the light of truth to shine through… by simply noticing without judgement. For many, this is the true spirit of self inquiry!
Thank you to the KECC for supporting this event!