Victoria Krishanmurti Event

Victoria Krishnamurti Event Sunday, March 13, 2016 The topic for this meeting at the Church of Truth in Victoria was “Transcending Dualistic Perception”. Five people were present as we started and two more joined us as the session progressed. We began with a video of Krishnamurti speaking at Brockwood Park about attachment and looking at strong emotions. He asked if we can we see that we are not separate from attachment, but that it is a part of us? Without attachment there is no “me” at all. When we look at attachment or the resulting emotional reactions without creating a separate self or observer, then our relationship with what is observed undergoes a radical change. The video was a good expression of the essence of K’s teachings. We discussed the viewed subject material within the context of looking at our own attachments and responses as we interacted in a group setting. The focus moved to other ideas and experiences on the part of the participants but the group was quite engaged. A handout from Freedom from the Known was distributed after the dialogue. A tea break was followed by a video of Rupert Spira investigating the nature of perception. The video provoked some strong reactions from one of the participants, who felt it was idealistic and conceptual rather than practical. Others didn’t feel the same way. A fairly intense conversation ensued about the fear of going beyond the conceptual mind and entering more expansive states of consciousness. Most people seemed to find the meeting of value and expressed an intention to return for the next month’s session.