Who Am I? Finding the Truth of Who You Really Are

Who Am I? Finding the Truth of Who You Really Are

With Kathy White

September 23 – 25, 2022

This workshop presented a weekend of The Work of Byron Katie and was guided by Kathy White, certified facilitator, Art Psychotherapist, and yoga teacher. Kathy lived in the spiritual community of Findhorn in Scotland for 23 years and now works from her home on Vancouver Island. In this online event, attended by twelve persons in all, participants were invited to use a form of self-inquiry (called The Work of Byron Katie) as a tool to “meditate on any stressful identities” they are holding, whether involving work, family, or friends. They may find freedom and may access who they are beyond identifications. The Work, a simple yet radical tool of self-inquiry, has been used for the past thirty years by thousands of people all over the world. Using four questions and “turnarounds”, you inquire into the thoughts that are causing you stress in your life and may find many of those thoughts falling away and no longer of value.

The format of the workshop was a combination of full group interaction and smaller “brakeout” pairings of two inquirers which allowed for more precise and intimate explorations. Some participants were relatively more experienced than others in the method and others less so. It seemed that everyone had a meaningful experience and appreciation for the learning and insights was widely expressed at the end of the event.