You are the world and so are “they” and “them.”
Up at 5 am this morning and the urge came to walk to McDonalds for coffee and use the wi-fi to send a friend a B Day greeting. Ordering coffee and a muffin the clerk asked if I’d like to have the large size so that I can “play the game.” Of course, I smile and under my breath comes…but I am always playing the game. Apparently McDonalds have a Monopoly game going on and removing the sticker I find ‘Park Place’ and ‘Board Walk’. Anyway, firing up the Acer, I begin composing my B Day message. Of course it is not your ordinary flowery variety; as there is no longer belief in the whole birth, life and death story, it is one of Rumi’s poems, more a celebration of Being than birth, if you will. And as I compose my message I can’t help overhearing the conversation at a nearby table where four or five ‘regulars’ are discussing various topics as they read the newspaper. There is constant reference to “they” and “them” that had done something they shouldn’t have or the latest political scandal in China that “they” should do something about, and on and on it went… “they and “them”… “they and “them”. As I was leaving I just had to stop at the ‘regular’s’ table. Smiling I say… “Excuse me guys, but I couldn’t help overhearing your conversation. Did you ever stop and ask who “they” and “them” are? I mean besides the roles “they” seem to be playing? Pausing, but as there was no response, I say… “They and them are ourselves in a temporary disguise… Have a good day.” This is R’s version of K’s message… “You are the world and the world is you.” PS – After closing my laptop I too opened the newspaper and scanned the pages and funny as it sounds, the only thing that seemed to draw my attention was the Horoscope page (which of course I never seem to read)! Something about… Today, Robert would be in one of his silly moods but to go ahead and be silly despite what “others” might think. Go figure.