Krishnamurti Study Session at the Centre

Krishnamurti Study Session
Saturday, December 2, 2017

Five participants engaged in reading and discussion of Q & A # 20, “On the Conscious and Unconscious Mind,” in J. Krishnamurti’s book The First and Last Freedom. As the chapter begins, K soon dives into an elucidation of how the thinking mind is always moving between the past the the future and is never actually in the present. Thought is always reacting from its own conditioning, which is the past, and can never respond totally to the present challenge. K asks if we can ever be totally free from conditioning and asserts that, based on his own discovery, it is indeed possible. He indicates that if we can be aware of the interval between two thoughts and fully enter that interval, then there will be liberation from conditioning and a silence that has no causation.
The group considered each paragraph of the text with focused inquiry into what was being said. We were able to go to a depth of exploration only possible, it seemed, because of the consistent engagement of all group members in a quality of looking and listening which has produced a certain subtlety of perception and a sensitivity to the movements of the self. There seems to be an increasing capacity to be choiclessly aware of the play of consciousness and to expose its ways to light of seeing.