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Krishnamurti Study Group

Krishnamurti Study Group Saturday, October 3, 2015 This group meets regularly to study texts by J Krishnamurti.  Currently we are exploring The First and Last Freedom, chapter 9, entitled “What is the Self?”  Only three people took part on this occasion but we felt that the group inquiry was deep and valuable.  We were able […]

Inquiry Sunday

Inquiry Sunday Sunday, October 4, 2015 A small group of three gathered on Sunday morning to listen to a CD by Adyashanti on the stages of awakening.  He began by saying that in fact there is no linear path and the process will be different for each individual while still containing certain universal features.  The […]

A Glimpse into Total Freedom

A Glimpse Into Total Freedom September 25 – 27, 2015 Richard Waxburg and Deborah Kerner, from Ojai, California,  joined us for the second year in a row as the facilitators for a weekend exploration into freedom. Their mode of working is mostly inquiry in a group setting.  Topics are proposed for possible exploration, but the […]

Krishnamurti Study Group

Krishnamurti Study Group Saturday, September 19, 2015 A small group of three gathered to explore the second half of chapter 8 in The First and Last Freedom.  The subject was “contradiction”.  Krishnamurti says that the essence of contradiction is the desire to be something and the inevitable resistance to being “nothing”, which is what we […]

Labour Day “The Art of Seeing 2”

On a lovely, sunny Labour Day, ten friends gathered at KECC to inquire as to how K’s teachings relate perfectly to Douglas Harding’s Headless Way. And K’s reference to the fact that freedom must include both the touch of the scientist as well as non-verbal perception in a talk in 1969 in the UK called, […]

Saturday Study Group

Krishnamurti Study Group Saturday, September 6, 2015 Five people gathered to read and discuss Chapter 8 in Krishnamurti’s book The First and Last Freedom.  The subject of the chapter was “Contradiction” and it continued on from the previous chapter in exploring some of the core elements of K’s teachings.  He looks into the fact that […]

Inquiry Sunday at the Centre

Inquiry Sunday Sunday, September 7, 2015 The morning session included a video of Bentinho Massaro, a young spiritual teacher, being interviewed by Chris Hebard on his Stillness Speaks program.  Chris does an excellent job of drawing out the teachers he dialogues with and the video was felt to be very interesting by the six people […]