Labour Day “The Art of Seeing 2”

On a lovely, sunny Labour Day, ten friends gathered at KECC to inquire as to how K’s teachings relate perfectly to Douglas Harding’s Headless Way. And K’s reference to the fact that freedom must include both the touch of the scientist as well as non-verbal perception in a talk in 1969 in the UK called, “The Flight of the Eagle.” We watched two short videos of both J Krishnamurti and one of his long time students and founding teacher at Brockwood Park, Alan Rowlands. We explored Douglas Harding’s the “Science of the First-Person Singular, Present Tense.” Doing several of the experiments that point back to the Place we are all looking from to See our true Face. Then we went outdoors to celebrate finding our true nature while “apparently” walking the lovely nature trails on the centre property. And discovering the fact that we are not in nature but that nature is IN us. Lots of laughter and insights hanging out with new “Headless” friends!