Krishnamurti Study Group

Krishnamurti Study Group Saturday, October 3, 2015 This group meets regularly to study texts by J Krishnamurti.  Currently we are exploring The First and Last Freedom, chapter 9, entitled “What is the Self?”  Only three people took part on this occasion but we felt that the group inquiry was deep and valuable.  We were able to sit outside in the lovely surroundings.  A couple of topics were brought up  as being of particular interest and the session was spent exploring these.  The first was a question about the nature of insight and involved an investigation into the difference between thought and insight or seeing.  The second question was concerning why we are not able to simply and peacefully be at rest.  What is it in us that creates the urge to move away from the present moment?   Why are we often not content to just be?   It was suggested that, in addition to looking into them in a group context, the questions could be held in one’s awareness as an ongoing inquiry in one’s life.