Cause and Effect Crusades

Krishnamurti states in today’s quote: “Why need you have an ideal of non-violence?” “You have been brought up, most unfortunately, on ideals. Ideals are just words. They have no meaning whatsoever, they have no substance. They are just the barren children of a vain, thoughtless mind! You have been brought up on the ideal of nonviolence. You go around preaching all over the world nonviolence. Nonviolence is the ideal…(read the whole quote).  As I am just re-entering the world of Facebook, one thing that stands out is the number of “issues” and “causes” people appear to be involved in. There seem to be a myriad of “save the world” or “help make the world a better place” crusades. Although on the surface this activity might seem noble and spiritually correct, the underlying motives appear to be “causing” as much division and hatred, conflict and separation between “us.” And hence, non-acceptance of the way “things” (including people) actually are…at least in this “picture” or dream world. I remember attending a David Hawkins lecture in Sedona. One of the questions from the floor was something like… “What should I do to help others become more spiritual?” Hawkins responded… “If you are required to save the world, you will be notified.” From “my” viewpoint, there is absolutely nothing wrong with anybody or any activity that appears to happen in day-to-day life. Nothing to change. And certainly nobody to fix. “I have no idea what’s going on, and I wouldn’t know what to do about it if I did.” – George Carlin