Creating a New Earth

This residential weekend retreat will take place October 21-23, 2011 at the Swanwick Centre in Metchosin, located in a spectacular 32 acre ocean-front setting on the outskirts of Victoria, B.C. on Vancouver Island. The retreat provides an immersion into the recent teaching of Eckhart Tolle by way of selected talks from Eckhart TV.

ECKHART TOLLE (see has emerged as one of the great spiritual teachers of our time. His books “The Power of Now” and “A New Earth” are international bestsellers and powerful guides for conscious living. He has acknowledged a 'deep link' with J. Krishnamurti's teaching and sees his own as a continuation of the same 'teaching stream'.

Bring the Power of Presence into Your Daily Life

Many of us have heard Eckhart Tolle’s profound message about the extraordinary power of the present moment. But how do we apply this wisdom amidst the challenges of relationships, money, and the daily stresses of life in the 21st century? Creating a New Earth presents a series of practical teaching sessions designed to help us overcome the most common “obstacles to presence.” Offered in response to what he calls the evolutionary impulse to assist in humanity’s collective spiritual awakening, this retreat invites us to a face-to-face meeting with Eckhart Tolle on themes like these:

“The Current Economy” — points us toward the hidden opportunities in seemingly dreadful financial times

“Spiritual Awakening in Daily Life” — offers a liberating alternative to perceiving life solely from the point of view of the mind

"To Think or Not to Think" — Discover the transformation that awaits when we learn to operate in Presence rather than under the direction of our mental activity

"The Gift of Nature" — Eckhart discusses how nature can help us return to the fullness of presence and peace

“Meditation” — realizing the spaciousness that is available in every moment

The best thing we can do to build a better future is to live fully right now, in alignment with the flow of nature and empowered by a wisdom that transcends thought. The opportunity is ours with Creating a New Earth.


Activities include DVD showings, guided meditations, opportunities for both silent reflection and sharing, and scenic nature walks.

There will also be available recorded Q&A sessions with Eckhart on a wide range of topics of practical interest.

A Supportive Environment

The Centre’s beautiful natural setting is ideally suited for deeper enquiry and the emergence of spiritual insight. To optimize this process and minimize distractions, silence is requested during part of the retreat.

The Facilitators

This retreat is facilitated by Ralph and Madelaine Tiller. Ralph directs the East-West Clinic, a holistic health practice in Victoria. Madelaine is a registered psychologist practicing in Victoria and facilitates inner wellness workshops. They have hosted Eckhart Tolle video showings in their home in Victoria and share a deep interest in exploring a conscious way of living.

Please contact or (250) 744-3354 for rates and further information.

Extend your stay (this is separate transaction - complete group retreat booking first)

Creating a New Earth: Number of nights (1-3)