Humour, the Sixth Sense?

A colleague and I were having a short americano at Starbucks after a gruelling game of badminton, and as usual our conversation took a turn towards Truth. Somehow the subject of humour came up and recollections of John Cleese and his humourous antics in “Faulty Towers”, “A Fish Called Wanda,” and of course the “Monte Python Flicks.” As well as Peter Sellers role in “Being There.” He commented that humour has a way of “getting in” and can seem to spawn a lot of ‘mini-awakenings’. So, my sense is, that besides the well-known 5 senses – sight, smell, taste, touch and hearing – a sense of humour is great light-hearted way to lift one’s spiritual senses. Anyway, again I surfed the ‘K site’ for quotes on humour, but in the “H’s” only came up with – Habit, Health, Heart, Honesty, Humanity and Humility – but nothing on humour!    My “take” is that K’s character was a pretty serious dude and the only joke I remember him telling was the one about the Devil and a man walking along the road… There is a “holy man” up ahead and the man notices him stoop down and pick something up off the road and asks the Devil… “What was that he just picked up?” The devil replies… “That was the Truth.” Upon which the man asks… “Isn’t that very bad news for you?” “Not at all!” Says the devil, smiling. “I’m going to help him organize it.” PS – If anybody “out there” has any more funny stories about ‘K’ I would love to hear them.