“Keep it Clean”

It seems whenever I have been either listening to or in the actual presence of a “wise one” aka : Jiddu Krishnamurti or UG Krishnamurti, there is an energy of Truth to their words…a finality if you will. Sharing this with friend Peter Dziuban he wrote back this morning with a link to a “Stillness Speaks” blog that dealt with this very issue… Robert writes: Hi Peter, I have been in the presence of several “wise ones” and there seems to be a certain richness or depth to their words. Like a carrier wave of Truth that is undisputable. I recall you saying that Alfred Aiken said if one comes consciously “from” Being then the words are imbued with this energy and are definitely “felt”. It seems that “at this point in the game” I almost have to catch “myself” as the thinking seems to draw the attention before I am able to just rest as Awareness and let the words flow from there. Just sharing. No question really. Thanks Peter writes: Hi Robert, Thanks for your emails.  That’s right, about “coming from Presence” when talking…there is all the difference in the world.  Yes, it may seem at first that it’s necessary to “catch oneself” a lot, but with a little persistence you’ll be surprised how quickly it becomes easier, in fact natural to “talk as Presence.”  And it doesn’t have to be done only when talking with a spiritual group–in fact, it’s something that can be done all the time, even on mundane phone conversations, or whatever. Here’s a post titled Keep It Clean from 2011 on the Stillness Speaks website.  If you haven’t seen it already, it talks about this very thing: http://peterdziuban.stillnessspeaks.com/ssblog/awareness-presence-not-two-duality-consciousness-self-now-spiritual/ All the best, Peter