Krishnamurti Study Group

Krishnamurti Study Group Saturday, September 6, 2014 Five of us showed up to read and discuss Chapter 15 in Freedom From the Known in which Krishnamurti discusses experience, satisfaction, duality, and meditation. He begins by inquiring into the demand to experience and questioning what is driving this demand: the fact that we are discontented with what is. This implies a basic duality involving resisting what is and seeking some other experience. He goes into the whole nature of experience and its grounding in the known in some detail. The group took some silent time to look into the issue of discontent with the present moment and the subsequent discussion took us into issues of fear, suffering, and the belief in a separate “me”. Can fear and suffering actually be seen to be unreal as some say, or is that merely a concept or ideal without substance? What seems to be necessary is to go into and through the ego to a state of mind that is more real and true. This includes the exploration of how we can be with, or be open to, the unknown, as K seems to suggest is a key. The dialogue was very lively and perhaps somewhat challenging to some of the assumptions held by the thinking mind.