Krishnamurti Study Group

Krishnamurti Study Group

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Six people gathered for the study group this week. We were able to sit outdoors for the first time and enjoy the grounds and the surrounding beauty while inquiring into chapter 8 of the Q & A section of The First and Last Freedom. The topic was “Awareness” and the difference between introspection or analysis and awareness. This was felt to be a crucial distinction in understanding Krishnamurti’s approach to self transformation and for understanding ourselves, the main point of the exercise. K also explored the difference between experiencing and the arising of an experiencer and an object of experience, which creates a duality where in fact there is none. The reading of the text led us into some in-depth looking into the issues. The six participants included Harshad, a guest from India, who always adds valuable insights to our dialogues. An excellent session with perceptive contributions by all!