Krishnamurti Study Group

  Krishnamurti Study Group Saturday, May 24, 2014   A small group of four gathered for the study session, which focused on the second half of chapter 11 in Freedom From the Known.   The main topics of the chapter are looking and listening, which Krishnamurti treats as the same.   He also goes into the nature of love and how love and perception are connected.  We generally tend to see the world and other people through our images of them rather than seeing them as they actually are.  As a result there is no real relationship or communion with others or the world of nature.   After reading a segment from the text participants were guided into a meditative exploration where we sat quietly for ten minutes and noticed how we were observing objects and people around us.   Do we see through images?  Is there an observer separate from what is observed?  What happens when we become aware of how we are observing?  It seemed that this experiential exercise was very interesting and useful, and it led to some dialogue which went quite deeply into a few issues such as psychological or “ego” death.   Perhaps the small size of the group allowed for a more profound sharing of ideas, questions, and insights.  The session ended by reading to the end of the chapter.   The topic of observation will be further explored in Chapter 12.