A Recap of recent Eckhart Tolle Meetup Events at Swanwick

Eckhart Tolle Meet-up – The Ripple and the Ocean For the November get-together at Swanwick, we watched a recent talk by Eckhart where he explored the transition from surface knowledge to ‘depth knowledge’. Like Krishnamurti, he talked about a deeper realization of who we are. He proposed that this realization can be inclusive of both relative and absolute being-ness. There were 9 people who attended this screening – and each shared a few thoughts about their own experiences and challenges with allowing inner awareness to surface that is rooted in a deeper sense of being. It was a lovely afternoon and a few of us ate figs that had fallen from a tree on the grounds – savouring their almost ripe aliveness which took one of our members right back to his childhood on another continent.   October Meetup: Eckhart Tolle Interview with Lothar Schäfer Eckhart introduced a very intriguing scientist, Lothar Schäfer, who’s research in quantum physics uncovered many of the same deeper truths that Eckhart had experienced in his awakening of consciousness. This was an engaging discussion which at times we found stretched our thinking…. A few nuggets: • Scientific evidence is showing researchers that there is an unmanifested dimension of the universe that science and the human mind will never perceive. Perhaps Krishnamurti would have likened this to the ultimate ‘freedom from the known’! • Quantum physics is revealing that the basis of the universe is not really centred around form or physicality (materialism) but rather potentiality and the unmanifest are at the heart of existence…. • Eckhart and Lothar considered whether there is intention fuelling the unfoldment of our universe, as consciousness evolves itself through knowing itself more completely (e.g. through deepening human awareness/presence) – or, whether this universe is simply an accidental ‘soup’ or convergence of random circumstances and conditions…. The four people who attended the event had many ‘take-away’ insights and enjoyed an animated conversation about inter-connectedness, universal consciousness/intelligence and human evolution. Ralph tells me some of the themes above could almost have been a continuation of intriguing dialogues between Krishnamurti and David Bohm (recorded in “The Ending of Time” in the KECC library).