Swanwick Star Issue No. 6 (2013)

Sarjit’s gone...

“Death is such a shock for all of us” –  Jagdis, Sister

“Chanda, I am so sorry….your Mom had a very special place in my heart….she will be missed”

– Bruce, Forester

“I am so very sorry. Your Mom was a wonderful person and I’ll truly miss her”

– Mary, Bank Manager

“I am so very sorry to hear of your Mom’s death. I felt close to her from the first time we met at Rishi Valley in 1980 and was very fond of her. Early on she said I was ‘a brother’, which I deeply appreciated. We had quite a few laughs together whenever we met, which was not often enough”

– Ray, KFT Trustee


“Chanda, we are deeply sad to learn of your dear mother’s passing. Please know you have our profound condolences. Your mother was a great woman–a great friend and so deeply serious about whatever she touched. Love to you and your family”

– Mark, KFA Trustee


“I was sorry to hear of your mother’s death. I only met her a couple of times but I know how much she did for all the K work in Canada and I guess she was instrumental in getting you to Brockwood (which we sure appreciate). I hope you are managing well and don’t forget it would be lovely to have you come and visit us sometime”

–Bill,  Brockwood Co-Principal


“I’m so sorry to hear of your mom’s passing. She was always a person I enjoyed to be with and to talk with, during the times I had the chance to meet her, I have such good memories of her. I had thought when she came back home that she was going to get better and I was hoping to see her again. It was so nice when I talked with her the last time, and how she called me back right away to tell me ‘Luis can you say hello to Tsuki and give him a hug from me’…her presence will be always with me until my time comes too”

– Luis, Property Manager  


“I only just read the bulletin from the KFA that mentioned the passing of your mother several days ago.


This news struck me both with surprise and a deep sense of sadness. Surprise, because while I was aware of Jackie’s failing health, I was unaware of any health issues with which your mother may have been grappling. Sadness, because Sarjit was an extraordinary woman, strong, intelligent, yet loving and compassionate, qualities which I quickly discerned when I first met her when I came out to teach at Wolf Lake school. These same qualities I noticed were also evident in you, and I hope they provide you with the fortitude to deal with the undeniable grief at your loss. I feel that loss, and send you my deepest condolences.

Thinking of your mom brings up many wonderful memories, such as listening to bhajans together in the cosy Rolls, while there was torrential rain pouring outside, on one of our Wolf Lake school field trips. Or seeing her shooing away those peacocks, both delightful and annoying, from her cottage at Swanwick”

– Hillary, Professor (and ex-principal of Wolf Lake School)
“Rosanna wrote to me and told me your mother passed away. I’m sorry I did not have a chance to see her during more recent times. She was a wonderful human being who affected my life in such a positive way. I think of her (and you) always with affection and the fondest of memories. I will never forget her”

–Krishna, Film Director (and ex-student at Wolf Lake School) 


“I am at a loss for adequate words to express my sadness for you. Your mom was such a lovely lady. I often think about all the times I met her and will remember her always. Your mom touched so many people’s lives, and I know we are all enriched by it. I know heaven just received one of the most special angels. I am standing by your side in my prayers”

-Upi,  Scientist
“Chanda, it is with great sadness that I now write to you.

I knew as we all did that your dear mother was soon to be leaving us however her departure, although expected, was nevertheless a shock, as incongruent as that may sound. Sarj was such a presence that the impression she gave at times was that she would always be there to ask the pointed and sometimes abrupt questions and then point the way…..albeit her way.

I will also remember Sarj for her caring for others, and I say that knowing she at times did not always show such favour to those close to her. She was much like my father in that regard, a product of another era (he was born in 1896) with a substantially different upbringing to mine. So we each must live our lives in our own way and hope we are appreciated and make a difference. Sarj appreciated how fortunate we are to be living here on this wonderful planet and throughout her life made a conscious effort, in both big and small ways, to make it a better place for all. We can all learn from her example, I know you have.

You must be well aware that you have many of your mother’s most admirable traits and for that you should be proud. It will be some of those traits that will help you through this difficult time”

–Charlie, Lawyer


“Dearest Chanda, Sarjit still lives in you…She had the most interesting life and loving family and her love for those things shone through her ever so brightly. I feel so privileged to have met her, your dad, and you and to have spend that time at the cafe with you all a few months ago. You all mean so much to me, as human beings…”

–  Aleyona, KECC Facilitator



“I’m sorry to hear that she is gone. It’s a big blow to everybody. It must be very hard for you and other members of your family. I will miss her. It’s good that she enjoyed a few weeks at home after coming back from the hospital. I don’t know what else to say. Be strong…”

– Vance, KECC Director 

Krishnamurti’s visit to the centre in 1978, with Sarjit Siddoo on his left.


The ancient Hindus say that the soul of the departed hovers around the body for about three days desperately trying to re-enter it, but it is not able. The grief of those left behind can cause the soul further suffering and turmoil.

So, it is an interesting thing that on the morning of my mother’s passing, these words came into my mind and I resolved to say them on that day:


“We are here and we love you.

If you can stay, there is nothing we would like better,

But, if you have to go,

Then you must go, and

We will not hold you back”.


This was about an hour before she died and I think she must have heard me. It was February 22nd.

I only dreamt of her one night after that and so believe she understood her situation and her soul had its final release from this world.


Chanda, Daughter