Swanwick Star Issue No. 5 (2012)

Vancouver Public Library Meeting

March 25, 2012

There were up to 25 people at this Sunday gathering at VPL with some popping in and out during the presentation.

We started out with a newly arrived Brockwood student, Ahmed, recounting his experience of a Krishnamurti school in England. He had a most interesting path in getting there since he was born in Ethiopia during a time of war and his family had moved to Libya, Italy, and, finally, to Canada.  At a time when he was a confused adolescent struggling with bad influences in Alberta, a man on a bus had offered him a book by Krishnamurti.

Someone asked him, “So, what was different about a K. school?”

In response, Ahmed explained that there is a great spirit of inquiry at Brockwood and every opportunity is taken by the staff and students to discuss the mysteries of life whether it be in the classroom, the garden, or, at the dining table. Chanda was glad to hear that this tradition continues eversince the time she attended Brockwood during K’s lifetime. She added that the students were taught it is irresponsible to seek success and personal aggrandizement in the world. Moreover, comparison and competition between students was discouraged and the focus was on individual flowering.

The DVD shown after this was a dialogue between K. and Professor Allan Anderson touching on the topic of “Responsibility”. During the discussion that followed, many poignant points were raised by the participants. Responsibility is a feeling of caring about things; it is to be able to take action alone; it is trying to understand oneself and the structure of society. It is an inquiring attitude and a vigilant awareness about transforming oneself; it is about living with kindness and compassion and relieving the suffering of others. Our response is usually from the past, though, and not an immediate one, so it must also involve examining one’s fears and conditioning.

Several questions arose as a result of this probing, which the group endeavoured to answer together:

Q. Do you really feel this kindness, or, is it just an idea?

A. (group) No, there is anactual impulse to be kind and considerate, for, if I am cruel to another it does not make me feel so good. However, if I am kind, it is a rewarding experience for me as well.

Q. Is there kindness and compassion for oneself, or, is it just for others?

A. (group) One must have compassion for oneself in order to feel it towards others.