Swanwick Star Issue No. 6 (2013)

Allan has followed close behind…



On the morning of March 13th, I found myself pondering Allan’s words about Intelligence and how it cannot be perceived by thought.

A few days earlier, I had observed a pair of birds freeing themselves quite effortlessly from my verandah (see next entry). It reminded me of our discussion likening the bird that thinks it is trapped in the glass verandah (even though it is really free, because of the spaces in-between) to the human condition.

So, it is strange that the mantle of sadness settled upon my shoulders, once again, on the morning of March 14th only to learn of Allan’s passing. I had asked him to promise that if anything happened to either of us, we would each communicate with the other.

At the same time, I realized that the self-pity we feel is only for ourselves…

At my favourite spot in Vancouver which is sacred to the Native Americans, I started thinking about the Dr. David Bohm dialogue years at Swanwick and the seminars there with Professor Allan Anderson. I think we got really, really close to some communally shared spiritual meaning. It was so close to K’s prediction about “a new race of men emerging from the west coast of America”. Sarjit, of course, was a focal point right at the beginning of this movement. Then, it just seemed to slip through our fingers and we all went our own ways…but, then, again, maybe that was it…maybe something didhappen…

Now, how can I say that I have not lost two of my greatest teachers, when there is a gaping chasm?


Chanda, Friend and Student of the Spiritual