Swanwick Star Issue No. 8 (2015)

The Bird in the Verandah

AA –     Have you ever watched a cat? How self-composed and deliberate every movement is? How it fixes you with its stare? That is the quality of Awareness.


CS –      But, for me, there seem to be times of the day where there is no Awareness at all!


AA –     Maharaj has said something interesting in this regard: “Intelligence is aware of Consciousness, but Consciousness is not aware of Intelligence”


CS –      Yes, I see – these could be the gaps. Intelligence is only sensed by the cessation of Consciousness and so, Consciousness can have no idea about its quality what-so-ever.

Chanda Siddoo-Atwal

[These are personal impressions of dialogues with Professor Allan W. Anderson printed with his permission. I have tried to “pluck out” their essence from my notes taken during these talks. They will be serialized in their entirety as a tribute to his life and work in the coming issues of The Swanwick Star. This is the second serial installment from a compilation called “The Bird in the Verandah”.]