Victoria Day Dialogue at the Centre

Three of us joined Harshad, a long-time associate and student of Krishnamurti, as well as a teacher in his schools, who is visiting the Krishnamurti Educational Centre of Canada for some weeks, for a dialogue on a beautiful warm day. We sat under the apple trees behind the Guest Cottage and enjoyed an engaging interaction which was focused around Harshad’s reading of a chapter from Commentaries on Living by J. Krishnamurti. The chapter was entitled “Suffering” and it went deeply into a questioner’s experience of losing his wife and the intense suffering he was enduring as a result. Krishnamurti explored with him the nature of love and attachment. The reading was a launching pad for a group investigation of how we tend to move away from uncomfortable and painful feelings and towards more pleasurable ones. We looked at this issue and related questions in some depth. We all appreciated having Harshad present as a guest and his sharing of his vision of what is essential and central in K’s teachings and our self exploration.