Victoria Krishnamurti Event

Krishnamurti Video and Dialogue Victoria, BC September 14, 2014   It was another hot and sunny summer day in Victoria but still four people showed up for the afternoon event at the Church of Truth.   The video shown was from the Attention and Order series of talks in Ojai in the spring of 1984.  It was the second talk.   K went into a number of issues as usual, but he focused particularly on the problem of fear in our lives and how thought and time are responsible.  He emphasized that he was not giving a lecture but that he and the audience must explore together and have direct insight into the question.  It is also essential to go right to the very end of the investigation into fear and not get stuck half way.   A very open and vulnerable dialogue followed the video in which the group honestly examined some of their own experience with fear and conflict.   One theme that emerged was the idea, often expressed by Krishnamurti, that our feelings and emotions – our psychological life – is something that is common to all humanity and how this can awaken more of a sense of compassion for others and for ourselves as we inquire into these types of issues.  The central factor of the belief in a “separate self” was discussed, as often seems to be the case.