Victoria Krishnamurti Event

Victoria Krishnamurti Event

July 7, 2017

This month’s meeting at the Church of Truth focused on the topic “Observing Without the Observer.” Four people were in attendance as we began with a sixteen minute video clip of Krishnamurti speaking at Brockwood Park on August 28, 1979. He approached the issue of attachment and began by asking if we are actually aware that we are attached, not just as an idea but as a fact. He then questioned if the fact is different from “you” who are observing it. Do we look at a fact like attachment as being something separate from us, or do we see that we are attachment. Attachment is the “me”. If there is no division or duality, what can I do about attachment? How can there be any action towards it? In seeing this there is only pure observation without thought, not “I am observing, choosing, etc.” What happens in this kind of observation? There is a gathering of energy, an intensity of attention in which attachment is not. We must be totally clear about this, K said.

We engaged in an in-depth dialogue about the material and our understanding of the issues involved. There was an authentic questioning and probing into the truth of how we perceive ourselves which provoked an intention to continue looking into our ways of observing. To finish off we watched part of a guided inquiry by Rupert Spira on the nature of perception presented at the Science and Nonduality Conference in 2013. It was an excellent exploration which some appreciated tremendously and others found difficult to follow. The session stimulated the participants to pursue further investigation in their own time.