Victoria Krishnamurti Event, December 1, 2017

This month’s session at the Church of Truth was focused on the topic of “The New Mind”. On a dark, rainy night only one person joined me for the event. We started by watching a Krishnamurti video from the Evelyn Blau series “Beyond Myth and Tradition”. This selection was entitled “The Religious Mind” and it looked into the question of what is a truly religious mind. K approaches the issue by negating what is not religion – beliefs, rituals, repetitive practices, and so on. Then he states that true religion is discovered when the mind is deeply silent. The mind must become the stillness beyond thought in order to know the sacred.
The one participant was new to Krishnamurti’s approach and had a number of questions about it which we discussed in some detail, going over the basic teachings and points of inquiry. She seemed quite interested, took a number of handouts with her, and expressed an intention to come back for the January meeting.