Weekend Events at the Centre

    Krishnamurti Study Group Saturday, December 6, 2014         This was the concluding session in the study of Freedom From the Known by J. Krishnamurti.   All five participants had been attending the meetings on a regular basis over the past year.   They were asked to share, if they so desired, their understanding of the essence for them of K’s teachings and how the teachings have impacted their lives.  After some minutes for quiet contemplation of the question, participants shared as they were moved.   The quality of the sharing was quite sensitive and profound and the expressions of how the teachings are alive in people’s daily experience of themselves were very touching and significant.  The last session of the year on December 20 will include a film about Krishnamurti entitled “With A Silent Mind” and the new year will begin with the study of the K book “The First and Last Freedom”. Inquiry Sunday Sunday, December 7, 2014 The morning session, attended by six people, began with a video showing of a talk given by Rupert Spira at the Science and Non-duality Conference in California this year.  Everyone seemed to feel that the talk was brilliant and valuable for their own process of self inquiry.   One of the main emphases of the talk was the difference it makes to place attention on the knowing awareness by which objects are known rather than to identify with and give importance to the objects themselves.  Rupert led us in a clear and logical exploration of consciousness itself as we know it.   The video was followed by a discussion of its meaning for the participants.  It was mentioned that Rupert and Krishnamurti are essentially pointing to the same state of attention or awareness. In the afternoon there was a showing of the video “The Mirror of Relationship” from the Evelyn Blau series “Beyond Myth and Tradition”.   Krishnamurti speaks in these excerpts from his talks of the power of being aware of ourselves in relationship and the insight that arises as we look at ourselves in this mirror.   He emphasizes that when we create images of each other there is no real relationship.  In the following dialogue the question was asked, “How can we prevent these images from interfering?”  The discussion focused on the need to be attentive to the images as they arise so that they dissolve in the presence of awareness.  This was explored in some detail.