October 25, 2023
With Jackie McIinley
Esquimalt Gorge Park Pavilion
We are very pleased to have Jackie back with us from the UK for another series of meetings sponsored by the Krishnamurti Educational Centre of Canada. As before, Jackie will facilitate events at the Swanwick Road location in Metchosin as well as at the Esquimalt Gorge Pavilion at 1070 Tillicum Road in Victoria. Thirteen people in total were present for her return meeting on a Wednesday afternoon from 4:30 – 6:00 pm, an attendance the size of which was very satisfying. The participants quickly entered into the spirit of the dialogue and were attentive to Jackie’s introduction wherein she spoke about the differences in people who had attended her sessions in many locations around the world as well as the similarities at a deeper level of their experience. She outlined the phenomenon of “conditioning”, which is a central aspect of J. Krishnamurti’s perspective on the human being and involves the ways we have been taught to think and to behave in our particular society and in the world in its larger context. Krishnamurti’s teachings suggest we understand ourselves and our conditioning by carefully observing ourselves in our relationship with the world we live in. This may bring about an experience of freedom that is not normally accessible to us.
Jackie asked the participants if they would be willing to share what it was that drew them to such a meeting. In response, group members provided a variety of motives for their interest in such a gathering:
– seeking some depth in their lives
– wanting to explore the question “Who (or what) am I truly?”
– Desiring to be seen by others and to share such seeing
– Observing one’s life
– Attraction to what they see as Krishnamurti’s compassion
– going on the “soul’s journey”
– learning to silence the mind and to let intelligence emerge
– wanting to look “under the hood” to see what may be hidden there
waiting to be discovered. There may be revelations in store.
– There may be a deeper, non-verbal sharing going on that is of great
– desiring to see through the “mask” of oneself
– For the writer, there seemed to be a value in being vulnerable to each other and exposing our “deeper” persons (or beyond our persons).
– Jackie pointed out that dialogue is an opportunity to notice things we normally do not notice in ourselves in our regular lives.
– Other questions arose:
– Can we touch the sense of Presence, which is our true identity and is available in silence?
– Who is the weaver of our stories and who sees through the weaver?
– The mind comes up with many answers to the questions of life, seeking certainty. Is it possible to live without certainty, without quick answers?
– Is entering the Unknown an activity of something other than thought?
– What feels threatened by the unknown, by not knowing?
– Can everything be open to questioning?
It was decided that it might be interesting to stay with the last questions until the next meeting.
Self-inquiry, November 22, 2023
/in Event Summaries /by David BruneauSelf-inquiry
Wednesday, November 22, 2023
With Jackie McInley
Esquimalt Gorge Park Pavilion
Six participants attended this meeting sponsored by the Krishnamurti Educational Centre of Canada and held at the Gorge Park pavilion in Esquimalt (Victoria), BC. When the group was asked if anyone had an important issue to explore with the group’s help, one person spoke of her difficulty in communicating with a particular person and asked for reflections from group members on how to approach someone who seemed to thrive on argument and disagreement. There were quite a number of responses to the question, which was considered sometimes a challenging problem for all of us in our daily lives. The importance of honesty and truthfulness was emphasised along with the question “Is it necessary to have an ego with all the conflicts it produces in our relationships?” Jackie asked if we are really prepared to look into the question. Such investigation may demand that we let go of defensive positions and attitudes to which we are accustomed. To begin with, can we admit that we don’t understand the depths of what we are looking at?
Inquiry into such issues may reveal that we are avoiding something in ourselves which the thought process or “ego” finds threatening somehow and which engenders fears we feel uncomfortable being with. We looked at the complexity of boredom and its suppression of fear and insecurity in our experiencing. The conversation probed more and more deeply into the realities of “emptiness” and loss and how they can take on an “existential” meaning and challenge in us. This seemed to touch on universal issues in many. And the question remained, “Are we really interested in dialoguing about such deep issues?”
Self-inquiry with Jackie McInley, November 19, 2023
/in Event Summaries /by David BruneauSelf-inquiry
Sunday, November 19, 2023
With Jackie McInley
At KECC Metchosin location
This Sunday afternoon meeting was attended by ten people, most of
whom were familiar participants in dialogue meetings sponsored by the
Krishnamurti Educational Centre of Canada. There was quite an intricate
sharing and weaving of thoughts, perceptions, questions, and challenges
to our assumptions and subtle concepts or activities of the mind.
Jackie began the session by asking the group “Do we have the energy to
inquire?” The question took us back to some recent meetings where we
had questioned the level of intensity we were bringing to the inquiry. We
then continued to probe into the subject of self-observation or
self-looking and the possibility of realising some significant degree of
freedom within the process. It was asked what was generating our
“energy” within a group, with care to notice how the concept of energy
was being used. We examined for some time the question “What are we
– or what am I – alert to in the dialogue conversation? It was suggested
that the most important factor in shaping the experience was the arising
of the “me” idea which tends to creep into our thinking regularly as we
talk and express ourselves. Are we alert to the “me” as it enters the
conversation and thought identifies with it and with the images that form
the idea of “me”? And do we see that the me is always looking for
security and stability in its movements. It was questioned if thought and
its movements are reliable or not given that thought is so often seeking
security in its activities. It seemed that we touched on some fairly
profound discoveries concerning the nature of the self. There was a
sense that the meeting had been both interesting and worthwhile in
terms of inquiry and self-exploration.
Self-inquiry with Jackie McInley, November 15, 2023
/in Event Summaries /by David BruneauSelf-inquiry with Jackie McInley
Wednesday, November 15, 2023
At Esquimalt Gorge Park Pavilion
Victoria, BC
Twelve people in total were present for this Wednesday afternoon meeting sponsored by the Krishnamurti Educational Centre of Canada and held at the beautiful new pavilion in Esquimalt Gorge Park. The idea of hosting the meetings in Victoria is to make them more accessible for people living in town than having to drive out to the Centre in Metchosin.
As is usually the case, we began with about five minutes of silence followed by a brief talk by Jackie introducing the subject of “dialogue” to those not familiar. Somewhat surprisingly, she pointed out that we were not here to learn something or to become something (more free, loving, clear, etc.) The intention of dialogue in Krishnamurti circles is to see what we actually are. What is driving our lives in ways we may not be aware of? Can we see, within the group interactions, what is actually going on within us, within our thoughts and feelings, in a fresh and revealing way? Can we discover something new about ourselves?
Jackie asked what we would like to look at today and told a story of some happenings that had taken place while she was facilitating a dialogue group online a few days before. The incident had produced some conflict within the group, apparently based on a fear of offending other individuals. It was suggested that a desire for cohesion would inevitably create some conflict and the group spent some time looking at issues arising out of opposing desires for cohesion and individuality. Could the two co-exist? We explored some of the ways thought creates our reality and our world.
During our communication Jackie remarked that there was a lack of intensity in the group which she was experiencing as boring and “incoherent”. She wondered if asking a question about our sense of fear when speaking in front of a group would open up the dialogue and make it more “interesting”. She asked if we all felt fear when in such a situation,which opened up several avenues of inquiry. Themes of connection and disconnection were brought forward and it was suggested that attachment to an identity blocks connection and love. Is it possible to feel our vulnerability and yet not get caught in the full impact of feelings like guilt, for example. Can there be a sense of being stressed
without losing the sense of space which surrounds our feelings and thoughts? This seemed like a valuable theme to pursue, but it was time to bring the meeting to a close. Participants were quite animated as they packed up and departed.
Self-inquiry with Jackie McInley, November 15, 2023
/in Event Summaries /by David BruneauSelf-inquiry with Jackie McInley
Wednesday, November 15, 2023
At Esquimalt Gorge Park Pavilion
Victoria, BC
Twelve people in total were present for this Wednesday afternoon meeting sponsored by the Krishnamurti Educational Centre of Canada and held at the beautiful new pavilion in Esquimalt Gorge Park. The idea of hosting the meetings in Victoria is to make them more accessible for people living in town than having to drive out to the Centre in Metchosin.
As is usually the case, we began with about five minutes of silence followed by a brief talk by Jackie introducing the subject of “dialogue” to those not familiar. Somewhat surprisingly, she pointed out that we were not here to learn something or to become something (more free, loving, clear, etc.) The intention of dialogue in Krishnamurti circles is to see what we actually are. What is driving our lives in ways we may not be aware of? Can we see, within the group interactions, what is actually going on within us, within our thoughts and feelings, in a fresh and revealing way? Can we discover something new about ourselves?
Jackie asked what we would like to look at today and told a story of some happenings that had taken place while she was facilitating a dialogue group online a few days before. The incident had produced some conflict within the group, apparently based on a fear of offending other individuals. It was suggested that a desire for cohesion would inevitably create some conflict and the group spent some time looking at issues arising out of opposing desires for cohesion and individuality. Could the two co-exist? We explored some of the ways thought creates our reality and our world.
During our communication Jackie remarked that there was a lack of intensity in the group which she was experiencing as boring and “incoherent”. She wondered if asking a question about our sense of fear when speaking in front of a group would open up the dialogue and make it more “interesting”. She asked if we all felt fear when in such a situation, which opened up several avenues of inquiry. Themes of connection and disconnection were brought forward and it was suggested that attachment to an identity blocks connection and love. Is it possible to feel our vulnerability and yet not get caught in the full impact of feelings like guilt, for example. Can there be a sense of being stressed without losing the sense of space which surrounds our feelings and thoughts? This seemed like a valuable theme to pursue, but it was time to bring the meeting to a close. Participants were quite animated as they packed up and departed.
Self-inquiry, November 12, 2023
/in Event Summaries /by David BruneauSelf-inquiry with Jackie McInley
Sunday, November 12, 2023
Krishnamurti Educational Centre of Canada
538 Swanwick Rd., Metchosin, BC
There was a relatively small turnout of seven people (total) for this Sunday afternoon event at the Metchosin location of the Krishnamurti Educational Centre of Canada. The session was facilitated by Jackie Mckinley, who continues her visit to Canada. She started the meeting with a period of silence which gave time for participants to sit with what they might wish to explore in the group on this occasion. Jackie suggested that people see if there is some issue or question that is resting somewhat heavily in their awareness and which they feel would be worthwhile to explore more deeply. One person revealed that she would be interested in investigating the issue of psychological pain that she found arising in herself somewhat often. Jackie then gave us some guidance as a group, suggesting some questions we might ask ourselves about any such pain that we experience.
– What is psychological pain for each one of us?
– How can we explore it?
– Is it to do with our images of ourselves?
– How can we get in touch with it when it may be that we usually don’t talk about the pain and tend to keep it quiet?
This led to sharing by some participants on the subject of feeling a sense of lack, not being good enough, and a fear of being nothing or a nobody. One group member spoke of his creating an edifice of himself as a significant person but knowing at the same time that the creation is not authentic.
Jackie asked what it is that’s driving the need to be somebody, which seemed to encourage group members to open up more fully with what was going on in their subconscious minds and which had been shaped and conditioned by their early life experiences. It seemed that a major factor was not getting the love we (and everyone) needed as children.
Another participant brought up the importance of loving ourselves and providing the support we need from our own inner resources.
It was an interesting exploration of some very important questions and issues faced by most – and perhaps all – of us. Jackie pointed out several times towards the end of the meeting that Krishnamurti questioned the activity of looking outside ourselves for love or validation. This subject will no doubt be further explored in future gatherings.
Self-inquiry, November 8, 2023
/in Event Summaries /by David BruneauSelf-inquiry
Wednesday, November 8, 2023
With Jackie McInley
Esquimalt Gorge Park Pavilion
Eleven people were present for this Wednesday afternoon dialogue meeting at the lovely Gorge Park pavilion. Jackie McInley was again facilitating the session and, as always, she did an excellent job of keeping the dialogue on track with searching questions and comments. She began by saying that people have always met in groups to talk over problems and have found the format of sitting in a circle to be very conducive to worthwhile communication. In a Krishnamurti dialogue, she pointed out, participants might think the structure was quite different in some ways. We look at problems both individually and as human beings who share many issues and challenges, both physically and psychologically. Beginning with his statement that “the first step is the last step”, we look at our assumptions about what life is. Our individual awareness shapes how we experience the world, but we might not be aware that our thoughts are creating a reality. Our inquiry is to discover ourselves and the universal nature where we are all the same. We may get a sense of our particular responses to each other and also of how our responses are conditioned by our society and upbringing.
Jackie asked if people would be interested in sharing what they understood from Krishnamurti’s teachings, which stimulated some interesting feedback. Some of it seemed overly complicated and there was a request to keep our ideas more simple to follow.
Another group member asked what was the most important question for us, and it was suggested that the issue of separation was the core problem for humans. This led to a rather intense interaction exploring separation and why it is a problem. The focus on trying to meet our needs was looked into and a question was raised concerning how we are creating separation NOW in this very moment. It was asked if we have the intensity to really be with the question. Could we go beneath the current level of our state of consciousness and be with a deeper feeling or experience. One participant offered that, for him, it was fear that was underneath but we may be afraid to look. Jackie agreed that we are often afraid to look at the fear but that may not necessarily always be the case. Further inquiry is needed into the matter.
Self-inquiry, November 5, 2023
/in Event Summaries /by David BruneauSelf-inquiry with Jackie McInley
Sunday, November 5, 2023
At KECC Metchosin, BC
Sixteen of us were present for this Sunday afternoon meeting at the Krishnamurti Educational Centre of Canada in Metchosin, BC. It was a larger turnout than usual. We began with a silent sit for about five minutes after which Jackie, our visitor from the UK, commented that it was very nice to have a quiet moment at the beginning of such a gathering. She wondered what non-verbal sense of the group the attendees might have and what kind of relationship they might have to the topic we were going to explore, that being the fundamental nature of who or what we are. We were not, she said, present to debate the issue but were hopefully here to explore our perceptions of ourselves and each other as we communicated together. When we listen closely to each other and ourselves we can be noticing how we relate to what is being shared. It is possible to notice without forming conclusions either before speaking takes place or afterwards. We are learning about ourselves in an open space of listening which involves an acute attention and a perception of how we are reacting to what is happening in the group circle. Much of what is happening is a revealing of our “conditioning” as thoughts arise and are expressed. Can we notice these thoughts and what they reveal about ourselves as the group members interact?
One participant mentioned the importance of being vulnerable and another shared the necessity of “passion” and intensity in our looking and being with the insights that arise. When we look with intensity, we become a nobody, or an “emptiness”, as the self dissolves. Another mentioned that this can produce a shared sense of Being which can contain a deep meaning as barriers between individuals fall away. It may be difficult to go beyond our conditioning and to achieve a goal of some sort, and yet it may not be complicated to simply look at ourselves in action. At the same time, freedom from habitual patterns of thought and feeling may be challenging to realise and we may not find the intensity of passion that Krishnamurti finds necessary in our intention to change. It seems we cannot make ourselves passionate if we are not!
Nevertheless, surely we must question and be aware of our motivations and our resistance to being transformed.
Participants in the dialogue seemed at the least to be involved in learning how to question and to inquire into their own selves.
Self-inquiry, November 1, 2023
/in Event Summaries /by David BruneauSelf-inquiry with Jackie McInley
Wednesday, November 1, 2023
Esquimalt Gorge Park
Victoria, BC
We were again fortunate enough to have Jackie with us to guide us through the sometimes complicated and challenging process of self-inquiry or “dialogue” intended to shed light on the fundamental spiritual question “Who am I?” Jackie started the session by asking the thirteen participants (all included) if any of them were carrying a question which they would very much like to explore in the group context. Her question stimulated further questions and comments that seemed (to the writer) fairly complex and not at all easy to comprehend. The writer perhaps failed to make enough intelligible notes to form a basis for a meaningful report of what went on in the meeting. He did his best.
Towards the end of the meeting the author remarked that it seemed very important in such a dialogue for participants to be “vulnerable” and open in their expression of what their experience was when they looked at the thoughts and feelings that were arising within themselves. Would we be willing to expose our concepts and ideas in a way that could clear assumptions and beliefs from the mind and dissolve them, leaving a non-conceptual state of “being” rather than intellectual and conceptual “truths” which were asserting some kind of knowledge?
There was some discussion of what it means to “touch the unknown”, sometimes mentioned by Krishnamurti. One person asserted that what is required is complete silence of the mind. Jackie regularly reminded us that the most subtle concepts are still concepts and are providing more content to consciousness rather than moving into a space beyond content which might be called “emptiness”. We all agreed that these things can be very challenging to talk about and to explore in a way that produces freedom rather than a more subtle expression of thought, which is always limited. (Even this very attempt to describe the process of the inquiry seems limited).
An attempt was made to suggest that the essence of self-inquiry is to be aware moment to moment of whatever arises in the thoughts, feelings, and sensations, including all evaluations of what arises and all assertions or rejections of what is being experienced. The “seeing” is the insight that is itself the transformation which is bringing about the necessary change in us that Krishnamurti is passionately wishing for.
Self-inquiry, October 29, 2023
/in Event Summaries /by David BruneauSelf-inquiry
Sunday, October 29, 2023
With Jackie McInley
At KECC, Metchosin, BC
Thirteen people, all included, attended this event sponsored by the Krishnamurti Educational Centre of Canada and held at the Centre’s main location at 538 Swanwick Road in Metchosin, BC at 3 pm on a Sunday afternoon. The meeting was facilitated by Jackie McInley from the UK, who seems to attract on a regular basis a good number of serious seekers committed to exploring who or what they truly are in a context of group exploration and investigation. She pointed out right from the beginning that it is not a group with membership, rules, particular loyalties or principles. The group is not focused on the individual but, at the same time, does not ignore him or her. The subject of interest is the human mind or the human being itself and how it creates its experience of life.
Where should we begin such an exploration? Jackie asked. One interesting approach might be to focus on something that is weighing us down, that we would like to address, or anything we felt stuck on in our lives. We may be disturbed by changes in our world, by uncertainty, chaos, or our expectations not being met. What is our relationship with anxiety and insecurity? Jackie asked, and with a sense of instability we may feel in our lives? And what is it that triggers these feelings? These questions stimulated a string of penetrating observations and ideas from the participants which challenged the conventional ways we might inquire into such issues and brought us into ever-deeper insights and perceptions in the realm of understanding the nature of thought and its movements in ourselves. We considered the proposition that observation of thought brings about a silence in the mind and explored the possibility of touching the “Unknown”, which Krishnamurti and others suggest is of utmost importance in our self-exploration. Group members seemed to feel that the dialogue was very worthwhile.
Self-inquiry, October 25, 2023
/in Event Summaries /by David BruneauSelf-inquiry
October 25, 2023
With Jackie McIinley
Esquimalt Gorge Park Pavilion
We are very pleased to have Jackie back with us from the UK for another series of meetings sponsored by the Krishnamurti Educational Centre of Canada. As before, Jackie will facilitate events at the Swanwick Road location in Metchosin as well as at the Esquimalt Gorge Pavilion at 1070 Tillicum Road in Victoria. Thirteen people in total were present for her return meeting on a Wednesday afternoon from 4:30 – 6:00 pm, an attendance the size of which was very satisfying. The participants quickly entered into the spirit of the dialogue and were attentive to Jackie’s introduction wherein she spoke about the differences in people who had attended her sessions in many locations around the world as well as the similarities at a deeper level of their experience. She outlined the phenomenon of “conditioning”, which is a central aspect of J. Krishnamurti’s perspective on the human being and involves the ways we have been taught to think and to behave in our particular society and in the world in its larger context. Krishnamurti’s teachings suggest we understand ourselves and our conditioning by carefully observing ourselves in our relationship with the world we live in. This may bring about an experience of freedom that is not normally accessible to us.
Jackie asked the participants if they would be willing to share what it was that drew them to such a meeting. In response, group members provided a variety of motives for their interest in such a gathering:
– seeking some depth in their lives
– wanting to explore the question “Who (or what) am I truly?”
– Desiring to be seen by others and to share such seeing
– Observing one’s life
– Attraction to what they see as Krishnamurti’s compassion
– going on the “soul’s journey”
– learning to silence the mind and to let intelligence emerge
– wanting to look “under the hood” to see what may be hidden there
waiting to be discovered. There may be revelations in store.
– There may be a deeper, non-verbal sharing going on that is of great
– desiring to see through the “mask” of oneself
– For the writer, there seemed to be a value in being vulnerable to each other and exposing our “deeper” persons (or beyond our persons).
– Jackie pointed out that dialogue is an opportunity to notice things we normally do not notice in ourselves in our regular lives.
– Other questions arose:
– Can we touch the sense of Presence, which is our true identity and is available in silence?
– Who is the weaver of our stories and who sees through the weaver?
– The mind comes up with many answers to the questions of life, seeking certainty. Is it possible to live without certainty, without quick answers?
– Is entering the Unknown an activity of something other than thought?
– What feels threatened by the unknown, by not knowing?
– Can everything be open to questioning?
It was decided that it might be interesting to stay with the last questions until the next meeting.