Krishnamurti Study Group

  Krishnamurti Study Group Saturday, November 15, 2014     Five people attended the session which would potentially bring us to the end of the book Freedom From the Known.  The last part of Chapter 16 asks a number of profound questions with which K is challenging us to find the “passion” to live fully and to come upon the reality of truth, love, beauty, God, and bliss.   This needs energy, so we must see how we are wasting energy in our lives and find the way to make our minds “new”.  At the same time we cannot “invite” reality or seek after it in any way. The challenges posed awakened a pointed group inquiry into a number of these issues;  the dialogue was found to be “powerful” by the participants.   We did complete the reading of the text and some appreciation was expressed that we had done so.  Next session we will take stock of where we have come, what we now understand to be the essence of K’s teaching and how we have integrated it into our lives.  What, if anything, is still missing?  Do we have the “perfume” in ourselves, and If not then what is the barrier?