“So, what’s with the comb-over?”

About ten years back when I was hosting a “K” study group in Ontario, one of the new participants, who was clearly unfamiliar with his ‘stuff’, made the statement… “If Krishnamurti is supposed to be so enlightened, then what’s with the comb-over?” After the laughter died down, there was much discussion around the usual expectations in society of how the so-called “holy ones” presented themselves and conducted their affairs (and perhaps that is a poor choice of words given the controversy over alleged goings on between K and Mrs. Besant). I believe my comment at the time was that old Zen saying… “Before enlightenment, chop wood and carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood and carry water.” In the ‘story lines’ or apparent dream, the “body” may or may not go through seeming psychic shifts as a result of so-called ‘awakening’; as has also been reported in the case of both Jiddu and UG Krishnamurti. Self-inquiry shows that there really is no “person” inside the “body” with any choice as to how it dresses or behaves or what part it appears to play in the dream of daily living. The basic personality or character really doesn’t tend to alter all that much. I lean towards it being compared to some kind of software that has to play itself out as long as there appears to be a “body.” There is not any ‘consciousness’ inside of bodies or things. So, no body can rise in awareness, or ascend to some higher level of Consciousness.  If one digs a little more it is revealed that there isn’t even an actual stand-alone object labeled a “body” OR a “comb” at all! NOT EVEN AS A DREAM OR ILLUSION! The only thing that truly “exists” is Existence being Itself.