Swanwick Star Issue No. 1 (2008)

Richard Waxberg Retreat August 2008: Adult Study-Intensive

Last summer I participated in the Adult Study-Intensive & Retreat Program offered by the Krishnamurti Foundation of America and based in Victoria, BC at the Swanick Centre Retreat Campus. The program “was created to give adults a sustained in-depth immersive experience of the dynamic life-changing teachings of Krishnamurti” and there are so many remarkable aspects of the program, ranging from the nature and wildlife at the Swanwick Centre to the shared inquiry through daily dialogues.

Every morning during the program the rabbits would be feeding in the open field which is surrounded by lush vegetation. Beyond the open field is a small pond where numerous dragon flys of all sizes and colours – blue, red, green and purple – would play and once in a while gently touch the surface of the pond. Leading from the pond is a path that wanders through the trees, eventually arriving at the ocean where it is possible to see bald eagles, seals, whales and hummingbirds. The path continues on along the ocean to the neighbouring properties and a regional park. In August, the blackberries bushes are plenty with ripe, plump and delicious fruit.

Every morning and evening we would also engage in a dialogue that entailed asking questions that are critical to understanding ourselves, others and the world. Often the evening dialogues followed a video or sharing of passages written by Krishnamurti. Only some of the many questions asked and explored in the dialogues included: What is listening? What is fear? What is conditioning? How does conditioning consciously and unconsciously affect our lives? What is becoming? What is relationship? Are we in relationship? What is conflict? Can we live without conflict and suffering? What is confusion? Why does separation exist? And so on….

The extended and intensive program of six days provided us with the space and opportunity to examine the above questions fully and in-depth and the program’s three incredibly skilled and supportive facilitators – Richard, Deborah and Satish – continually encouraged us to stay with each question, carefully looking at how it has shaped our experiences, behaviours, lives and the world around us.

In the afternoons there was time to rest and relax at Swanwick, enjoying its beautiful grounds and walking trails, clean and comfortable rooms and the outdoor pool. During that week there was a world class Iyengar yoga instructor in the course – Pam – who offered yoga classes each afternoon and who taught us to live in the moment with our bodies, while letting go of the past and future by letting go of our thoughts. The vegetarian meals during the program were also wonderful!

The right balance exists in the program for shared inquiry, self-inquiry, nature, reading and video materials, fun and rest. As stated in the brochure, the program provides an opportunity to “examine the hidden content and structure of our own minds…considering a different dimension of existence beyond the thought-based patterns of the mind, of living without conflict of any kind, and of understanding the implications of ending time”.

– Sarah Mimick