Swanwick Star Issue No. 1 (2008)

At The Vancouver Planetarium

Naftaly Ramrajkar: Krishnamurti Video and Dialogue

Papul Jayakar once asked Krishnaji: What is the core of the teaching? After half of an hour of conversation Krishnaji replied:

“Where you are, the Other is not.”

The transformation of Man is a series of seven conversations between J. Krishnamurti, Dr. David Bohm and Dr. David Shainberg. In this series, three of them explore the way we live our lives and the process of fragmentation. Why do we live in misery and chaos and why we do not change, the problem of security and eventually it leads to examine the process of image making which rules our fragmented lives. Then they further explore the beauty in relationships and what is a true relationship, emptying of the mind and what is Sacred?

For Krishnaji there is no guru and no disciple. Man, the human being, is the sum total of mankind, his responsibility for himself and for his environment is therefore total.

Listening to him, the mind opens to the word and then gets lost in the word, not knowing how to cope with it. The words of Krishnaji become the rock against which thoughts dash, approximate, equate, measure. The teachings concerns itself with life, death, sorrow, sensation, anger, fear, pleasure, self knowledge, silence and The Sacred.

The central core is that man has to be a light unto himself. Truth is a process of self discovery and this process is not a function of time. No one can give the truth to another.

Not in following another but through self inquiry in which the movement of the mind as thoughts and actions are revealed and the rising of an insight which perceives “what is” without judgments or attempts to change that which is revealed; an inquiry, into man’s outer and inner being, that is concerned with the ending of the movement of becoming. Out of this arises action that will transform man and his environment.

Man is totally responsible for the without and within of his environment. Man is society. His demands are therefore for an action that transforming man, by its very action transforms society.

This series explore this trend of wisdom to help us to understand the transformation of an individual and how it affects the environment.

 – Naftaly Ramrajkar, September 19th, 2008