Swanwick Star Issue No. 1 (2008)


Autumn is one of the most beautiful seasons on Vancouver Island and, this year, there was an abundance of yellow trees lighting up the landscape like lamps. It was in this warm and cozy setting with golden hills surrounding the orchard that we did our annual apple-picking with Luis and Rob, the newest addition to the Swanwick staff. Gigi, the black barn cat, supervised us while sunning herself in a blue deck chair in the cow pasture with Goggles, and, Amigo, the black Lab, willingly munched on apples that were thrown to him. There is truly a divine pleasure in eating fruit straight from the garden, slowly ripened by the sun, that our furry friends understand.

In the afternoon, Ralph came to tend his mother’s memorial tree which is very close to Gladys Clauson’s under the silent oak trees. We discussed the inaugural year of the Centre in the Main House over a cup of tea and were pleased at the popularity it seemed to have enjoyed thanks to Gladys’ kindness to us and her vision for Swanwick. We were also grateful to Luis, Ralph, and David who have worked so hard to co-ordinate our activities in Victoria, this year, and Roger, Nastaly, and friends who have been equally busy in Vancouver.

After a relaxing walk on the beach, we all shared an evening meal with Ralph and Madeline at the corner café in Metchosin. We talked about the dismal political situation in the world and how important it is to carry on Krishnamurti’s work with the same sense of community that he nurtured in his remarkable schools. Once one sees the natural beauty of a place like Swanwick and truly becomes a part of it, it fills one with unending awe similar to some sacred place of worship.

When we returned, the stars were twinkling over the fig trees with an intensity that one only sees in the country. Rob played a little piano in the Guest Cottage by lamplight, while Sarjit fed Amigo and Gigi treats before everyone scattered off to sleep in different directions – Gigi to the white barn, Amigo and Rob to the Gate House, Sarjit to Wysteria Cottage, and Krishna and Chanda to the Main House.