Swanwick Star Issue No. 4 (2011)

Inquiry Sundays 2011

This year’s format for the Inquiry Sundays included a monthly theme which was explored during the two events normally held each month. The topics were: “What Are We Searching For?”, “What Is Self-Inquiry?”, “Being With Emotional Challenges”, The Challenge of Relationship”, “Living Without Conflict”, “The Power of Attention”, and “What Is True Meditation?”. On the first Sunday of the month there were both morning and afternoon sessions. The mornings featured a variety of teachers speaking (on DVD) on the chosen themes, as did the afternoon sessions on the third Sunday of the month. Then there were guided meditations or silent sittings, often a sharing in pairs, and a group discussion. Teachers presented were Mooji, Adyashanti, Eckhart Tolle, Scott Kiloby, Byron Katie, and Rupert Spira. These teachers all have similar but unique ways of approaching inquiry and self-exploration and provide slightly different but complementary lenses through which to look at the issues.

The afternoon session of the first Sunday was always an exploration of Krishnamurti’s teaching as pointers to our own self-observation. Usually a video was shown, or else there was some reading from K’s teaching, and then a group dialogue. Some of these inquiry sessions were well attended – up to eighteen people – and some involved less participants. The sessions were felt by many to provide support, encouragement, and an opportunity for deeper insight to those either beginning their inward search or well on their way. There is an enjoyment in coming together to share and investigate in this way.