Victoria Krishnamurti Event

Victoria Krishnamurti Event
Church of Truth
Friday, September 1, 2017

Our topic for the monthly meeting at the Church of Truth was “Can the Mind be Quiet?” Four people attended the session which began with a fifteen minute video clip of J. Krishnamurti speaking on the subject of observing without any sense of control, judgment, naming, or time. In this kind of observation there is no sense of conflict or division. What then takes place in the mind? K urges us to actually “do it”, to act not from thought but from pure observation. That is intelligence, love, and compassion. There comes a stillness and solidity which is not dependent on anything. This, he says, is meditation.
The video was followed by group discussion and exploration of our understandings and experience of what was presented. The discussion was very authentic and engaged. To end the evening there was a guided meditation on the “inner body” which was very effective in bringing attention from the “head” to the “body” and creating a sense of wholeness and peace. The participants seemed to find it of great value.