Victoria Krishnamurti Event, November 3, 2017

Victoria Krishnamurti Event
November 3, 2017

The subject of this month’s meeting at the Church of Truth was “What is Meditation?” Five people took part in the session which began with a handout from the book Freedom from the Known by J. Krishnamurti. Meditation is described as “to be aware of every thought and every feeling, never to say it is right or wrong but just to watch it and move with it. In that watching you begin to understand the whole movement of thought and feeling. And out of this awareness comes silence.” After reading the whole handout the group was guided by the facilitator into a meditation as suggested by K. This was followed by another guided meditation on the “inner body” and the sense of Being as recommended by Eckhart Tolle. As a group we then reported on our experience of the meditations and how they could be integrated into our daily awareness “practice.” There were very interesting sharings by the participants.
We then moved on to a viewing of three short video clips by Krishnamurti, Eckhart Tolle, and Rupert Spira, all on the topic of meditation. The common thread was that meditation is a state of being rather than a “doing,” and this was expressed beautifully by the three teachers. During our closing discussion everyone acknowledged an enjoyment and significance in their experience of the evening.